15 in stock

Buxus ‘Faulkner’ (Boxwood)

Buxus sempervirens ‘Faulkner’ or Small-Leaved boxwood is a hardy plant that can grow in full sun to full shade. It can be grown as a bonsai, shrub or hedge. It has beautiful dark green evergreen leaves.


15 in stock

SKU: 0081 Categories: , Tags: , ,
Use growing conditions and pictures as a guide only.
Description:Perennial Shrub
Common name: Boxwood
Scientific name: Buxus sempervirens
Sunlight requirements: Full sun
Foliage Characteristics: Evergreen
Height: 1m
Width: 1m
Container plant: Yes
Hardiness: Hardy

Buxus sempervirens 'Faulkner' is also known as the Small Leaved Boxwood plant. It is very cold and drought tolerant and resistant to common animal grazing. Boxwood are slow growing, has dense foliage and have an upright growth pattern making it the perfect hedging plant for hedges 60cm tall and lower. A planting space of 35cm is recommended between Boxwood plants.

Boxwood plant grows better in cooler environments. Though it can grow in full sun or full shade, a partial sun position is optimal for the plant. It prefers loamy soil and are excellent container plants. Trim after last frost of the season.

Additional information

Weight 3.4 kg
Dimensions 50 cm
Planting Bag Size
