59 in stock

Rose ‘Iceberg’ [WHITE]


A rose with large clusters of snow-white blossoms, almost year round.

59 in stock

SKU: 4777 Category: Tags: , ,
Use growing conditions and pictures as a guide only.

Description: Floribunda Rose
Common name: Rose ‘Ice berg’
Scientific name: Rosa spp.
Sunlight requirements: Full sun
Flowering time: Sep-Apr
Height: 1.5m
Width: 1m
Container plant: Yes
Foliage Characteristics: Deciduous
Flower Characteristics: Non-Fragrant
Hardiness: Hard
Frost tolerant : Yes

This rose needs full sun (at least 5 hours a day) and prefers loamy to sandy soil. Water well 2 to 3 times a week during summer. Feed rose monthly with fertilizer formulated for roses such as 8:1:5. Annual pruning done in July. Look out for diseases such as Powdery Mildew and Black Spot.

Additional information

Weight 4.1 kg
Dimensions 70 × 18 × 18 cm